Personality Disorders

Personality disorders are generally understood as significant disturbances in a person’s personality, which effects many areas of their life, over a long period of time, and don’t really change until or unless they get treatment.

They are commonly the source of much frustration, pain, disillusionment, and often but not always lead to the experience of life being deeply unfulfilling. Depending on the type of disorder in question, they may also be a real sore point for those close by, like work colleagues, intimate partners, or family and friends. Difficulties like these are often, but not always, related to trauma and can go right back to childhood.

The treatment of personality disorders requires that therapists have adequate training, supervision and access to specific models of therapy that have been shown to be effective for situations just like these, like psychodynamic psychotherapy.

If you feel that you or someone you know is dealing with problems that are getting too big to handle or have been going on for too long, then calling someone who is understanding, experienced and unbiased for a confidential assessment session might be a wise next step.

To discuss further or to make an appointment,
Call (02) 9067 2724, 10 A Boolwey St Bowral, NSW and Online
and ask for Julian Zanelli