Relationships Issues

For some people, not being in a relationship is a source of worry and distress, for others their intimate relationships are the source of their problems!

Many things can occur to prevent us from successfully engaging in a relationship such as; feelings of worthlessness, thoughts like “I don’t deserve love”, becoming too needy, becoming too independent, getting confused between sex, love, power and intimacy, and not knowing how to express your needs, wants and boundaries.

Learning about relating and intimacy is a key focal point of successful psychotherapy. As we start to explore your own relating skills and styles we will also learn about your background in terms of your family and your intimate partners. A picture generally emerges that helps us to chart a way forward and address what is getting in the road of really enjoying yourself in a relationship.

Psychotherapy is a non-judgmental, confidential way of learning about yourself more objectively, and learning how to bring a greater degree of your authentic self into relationships so they become more fulfilling.

To discuss further or to make an appointment,
Call (02) 9067 2724, 10 A Boolwey St Bowral, NSW and Online
and ask for Julian Zanelli